Slots With Duration Google Calendar

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Appointment slots will give you the ability to let other people book an appointment directly on your Google calendar. From a timeframe that you specify. This is useful for booking a 30 minute or one hour, or even a 15 minute time slot. Maybe you're a professor that has office hours. How to make appointment slots in Google Calendar. Others can then book one of the 30-minute slots within that time that works best for them. When someone reserves one of your appointment slots, the reserved slot shows up as an event on their calendar and inside the larger block on your calendar. To Create Appointment Slots: on a computer, open Google Calendar. ⇦ Back to Google Home. Turn blocks of time on your Google Calendar into appointment slots that others can book. Booked appointments appear on your Google Calendar so you know who you're meeting and when. Reasons to set up appointment slots: Office Hours. Parent-Teacher Conferences. You can offer people a block of time on your calendar that they can book time slots within. For example, you can set aside 2 hours that you're available to meet with people in 30-minute slots.

Find available time slots in your Google Calendar account.


Slots With Duration Google Calendar 2019

Hourly Window
DayDate in the format YYYY-MM-DDStringTRUE
Start TimeDate and time at which you want the event to start in the format HH:MM:SSZDate & TimeTRUE
End TimeDate and time at which you want the event to end in the format HH:MM:SSZDate & TimeTRUE
Time ZoneTime zone in the format:
  • UTC+-HH
  • GMT+-HH
  • CEST+-HH (Central European Summer Time)
  • EEST+-HH (Eastern European Summer Time)
  • Territory/Town
Date & TimeTRUE
Event Duration
DurationDuration of the event in minutes; value must be 1 or higher.NumberFALSE
Calendar IDCalendar identifierStringTRUE


Number of Available Slots

The number of available slots that are available on the user's calendar for that time frame. Given the Duration input field value, this is the number of events with the given duration that can fit in the user's schedule. Examples:

  • If there is a gap of 45 minutes on a calendar, and the duration input is 20 minutes, then the Number of Available Slots returned will be 2.
  • If there are only four 20 minute slots available on a calendar, but the duration input is 30 minutes, then the Number of Available Slots returned will be 0 (even though there is a total of 80 minutes available).
Total Minutes AvailableTotal number of minutes available on the user's calendarNumber
List of Busy TimesA list of busy time objects. Each object returned in this list is a window of time from start to end that the user is busy/has events scheduled.List of Objects
List of Available TimesA list of available time objects. Each object returned in this list is a window of time from start to end that the user is available to schedule an event of duration that is less than or equal to the user's input duration.List of Objects

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Slots With Duration Google Calendars

You can create blocks of time on your calendar designed to let others reserve an appointment with you. These are called Appointment Slots in Google Calendar. For example, professors can invite their students to reserve time during office hours each week. More detailed instructions can be found onGoogle's Documentationpage.

Slots with duration google calendarSlots With Duration Google Calendar

Creating a new appointment slot block

You can only create appointment slots while viewing your calendar in the Day or Week views. Make sure you are viewing your calendar in a web browser on a computer and not using the Calendar mobile app.

  1. Highlight the block of time you wish to make appointment slots.
  2. When the event window pops up, choose Appointment slots out of the row of options below Add title. The event window will change.
  3. The default will be to have multiple slots set to 30 minutes apiece. You can change this timeframe, or you can also choose to have the whole block of time be a one-time slot by clicking Slots with duration and choosing Single slot.
  4. Set the duration you want your time slots to be, enter a title for the appointment slot block, and choose what calendar you want your appointment slots on (the default is your personal calendar).
  5. Click More options to set up recurring time slots and add more information such as location or description. Then click Save.

Invite others to reserve an appointment slot

  1. Once your appointment slots are saved, click on the block of time again to see the event detail pop-up.
  2. In the pop-up, click the link that says Go to appointment slot page for this calendar.
  3. A new page will open in another tab in your browser. That new page is what others will use in order to schedule one of those slots you just created.
  4. Copy and paste the appointment page URL link from your web browser.
  5. Share the URL link for that page with anyone you want to reserve an appointment slot.

As a note: when you look at the appointment slot page for your calendar, you will also see all of your other appointments and events - that is because you are the calendar owner. Others will only be able to see what they have been given permission to see, which may only include the appointment slots you've created.

Tips and helpful information

  • More than one person will be able to reserve a single block of time if it has not been approved by you yet.
  • A scheduled time slot is only officially approved when you respond yes to the meeting request.
  • Both you and the individual can change your meeting response to no, or delete the meeting, at any time.
    • This removes the time slot for the individual you are meeting and opens that time slot back up on your calendar.
  • You can edit appointment slots at any time the same way you edit events on your calendar.
  • All edits made to your appointment slots are automatically reflected on the appointment slot page for your calendar, so you do not need to re-share the link to your potential attendees.